SWTN Operational Manager
SWTN Operational Manager
Andrea has been a registered nurse for the past 34 years and started her career in Royal Gwent hospital in 1990. After qualifying, Andrea's first role was at the Welsh Centre for Burns and Plastic Surgery, Chepstow, before supporting the unit move to Morriston hospital, Swansea. After 5 years, Andrea then moved to Singleton Hospital to take on the role as Casualty Department Junior Sister.
In 2003, Andrea returned to the plastic surgery unit for Wales to take the opportunity of being an Advance Nurse Practitioner. Andrea completed the Advance Clinical Practice Degree and was one of the first nurse practitioners within the hospital, working alongside the lead nurse to develop an out of hours service. In 2009, Andrea held the role of specialist organ donation nurse for South Wales, as a first point of contact for any possible organ donors.
Andrea was appointed as the emergency department /AMAU Matron at Morriston Hospital, Swansea in 2013. She held this role for 8 years with a short spell as Matron of the Burns unit and then becoming the Senior Clinical lead for Unscheduled Care within Swansea Bay UHB. During the COVID-19 pandemic she was redeployed to set up and manage the covid admissions unit and first vaccination clinic for Swansea Bay UHB, as well as establishing and facilitating staff wellbeing, online resilience days. Following the stand down of the covid admissions unit, Andrea moved to Corporate Nursing to take the role of Nurse Recruitment and Retention Matron, employing over 200 nurses from overseas.
Andrea joined the South Wales Trauma Network in early 2022 as the Network Operational Manager.